Leisa is a Masters qualified and registered Organisational Psychologist, consultant, and coach with 18 years of experience.
Hi! I’m Leisa - nice to meet you!
A little bit of info on my background, experience, and qualifications…
With over 18 years of experience in consulting, leadership development, and talent management, I now spend most of my time helping leaders and their teams to build psychological safety and become more skilled, self-aware, and ‘human’ in the way they manage important workplace conversations and relationships.
To me, every single “leadership conversation” represents an opportunity to build stronger, more robust relationships. In turn, this helps to build greater levels of trust, clarity, and connection, building a stronger workplace culture.
I’m also passionate about helping leaders to better understand their people, leverage individual and collective strengths, and create growth and development opportunities that result in ‘sticky’, sustained behavioural change.
In turn, all of these factors impact performance - not just for individuals, but also at the team and organisation level. Indeed, we now know from decades of research that these so-called “soft” skills are actually critical if you want high-performing leaders and teams.
My ‘on paper’ qualifications…
Now for the formal stuff! I have a Masters in Organisational Psychology and am a registered and fully qualified, endorsed Organisational Psychologist. I also have lots of certifications in various psychometrics and tools (more info further down if you are interested!)
For the last few decades, I’ve been working as an Organisational Psychology Consultant, Coach and Facilitator - drawing on my knowledge, expertise and qualifications in the areas of organisational psychology, positive psychology, neuroscience, leadership development, employee engagement, motivation, behavioural change, and learning and development.
My past experience…
Along the way, I’ve helped numerous organisations to manage talent, define critical behaviours and capabilities, and get the ‘right’ people into the ‘right’ roles. This has involved designing and delivering several projects in the areas of:
Leadership Development
Capability Frameworks or Competency Frameworks (and sometimes less rigid and more flexible Competency ‘Libraries’, including behavioural indicators)
Success Profiling
Talent Management
Organisational Values
Identifying Leadership Principles & Behaviours
360 Degree Feedback Programs (both quantitative and qualitative)
Leadership Capability Assessments (for selection & development)
Psychometric & Strengths-Based Assessments
And a few more things - but that’s probably enough info for now!
I’ve been lucky enough to partner with a broad range of public and private sector clients including some of Australia’s most iconic and exciting brands. Examples include ANZ, Australia Post, Telstra, Envato, NAB, Square Peg Capital, REA Group, Cancer Council, Melrose Group, and the Australian Government at local, State and Federal level.
In the last few years alone, I’ve facilitated over 230 client workshops and worked with 1400+ participants and 450+ leaders.
As well as my expertise and experience, clients enjoy my highly pragmatic approach and ability to balance ‘best practice’ with an understanding of the real challenges faced in complex organisational environments.
In fact, a big focus in my work is providing practical resources, tools and skills for participants to take away and apply on-the-job in their 'real life' work environment - after all, that’s where the learning really happens!
Let’s talk
Looking for some help? Feel free to get in touch and say hello anytime!
I’m always happy to answer questions, share info, or just have a general chat - especially when there is coffee involved!
That just about covers it! Feel free to download my bio for more info.
Examples of organisations who have trusted me…
“Having a really skilled and genuine business psychologist personally interviewing, gathering and distilling feedback, and the coaching and facilitating our team to create their development plans was a huge leap forward.”
Formal Qualifications & Training
Leisa’s formal qualifications include a Masters of Psychology (Organisational), Graduate Diploma in Science (Psychology), and Bachelor of Arts (Psychology). She is a registered, endorsed Organisational Psychologist within Australia (AHPRA) and holds professional memberships with the Australian Psychological Society (APS) and Australian Human Resource Institute (AHRI).
She is accredited in and regularly uses a broad range of psychometric assessment tools including the Amy Edmondson’s Fearless Organisation Scan (FOs), Leaderfactor’s 4 Stages of Psychological Safety tool, Saville WAVE, OPQ, CAPP Strengths Profile, VIA Character Strengths assessment, the Burke Learning Agility Inventory (BLAI), and many more. With strengths in “Growth” and “Love of Learning”, she has also completed a number of courses in positive psychology, learning agility, and well-being. Finally, Leisa is also a certified Lego® Serious Play® facilitator.
She is based in Melbourne, Australia.